Abandoned Cart

Abandoned cart refers to the situation when a customer adds items to their online shopping cart but leaves the website without completing the purchase. It is an important metric for e-commerce businesses as it represents lost potential sales that can be targeted through marketing strategies.

Abandoned Cart Recovery

Abandoned cart recovery refers to the process of attempting to regain potential sales by reaching out to customers who have abandoned their shopping carts. This is typically done through automated email reminders or targeted marketing campaigns to encourage customers to return and complete their purchases.

Add to Cart

“Add to cart” in Shopify is a feature that allows customers to add products they want to purchase to their virtual shopping cart. It is a fundamental action in the e-commerce process, enabling customers to collect and organize their desired items before proceeding to the checkout and completing the purchase.


API, or Application Programming Interface, is a set of rules and protocols that allows different software applications to communicate and interact with Shopify’s platform. It enables developers to access and manipulate Shopify’s data, functionality, and resources, facilitating integration and customization of online stores.


Apps in Shopify are third-party software extensions that can be added to a Shopify store to enhance its functionality and customize its features. These apps provide additional tools, services, and integrations to help merchants manage various aspects of their online business, such as marketing, inventory management, customer support, and more.

App Store

The App Store in Shopify is a marketplace where merchants can discover and install a wide range of third-party applications (apps) to extend the capabilities of their online store. It offers a diverse collection of apps, both free and paid, across various categories to help merchants enhance and customize their Shopify experience.

Average Order Value (AOV)

Average Order Value (AOV) is a metric that represents the average amount of money spent by customers in a single transaction. It is calculated by dividing the total revenue generated by the total number of orders. A higher AOV indicates increased customer spending and can be used to measure business performance.


Back End

The back end in Shopify refers to the administrative and technical aspects of running an online store. It includes the dashboard, settings, and tools used to manage products, inventory, orders, customers, and other backend functionalities. Store owners and administrators access and control these features to operate and customize their Shopify store.


In Shopify, a blog is a section of the online store where merchants can publish and share articles, news, updates, and other content related to their products or industry. It serves as a platform for storytelling, engaging customers, and driving traffic to the store through informative and relevant articles.

Bounce Rate

Bounce rate in Shopify is a metric that measures the percentage of visitors who leave a website without interacting or navigating to any other page. It indicates the level of engagement and the effectiveness of a store’s landing page. A lower bounce rate generally indicates better user engagement and website performance.

Buy Button

The Buy Button in Shopify is a feature that allows merchants to embed and sell their products on external websites, blogs, or social media platforms. It generates a code snippet that can be added to these external sites, enabling customers to make purchases directly without leaving the current web page.



In Shopify, a cart refers to the virtual container that holds the selected products or items that a customer intends to purchase. It allows customers to review their chosen items, make modifications, and proceed to the checkout process to complete the purchase.


Checkout in Shopify is the final stage of the buying process where customers provide their shipping and payment information to complete a purchase. It includes the steps of reviewing the order, entering personal details, selecting a shipping method, and making the payment, ultimately finalizing the transaction and generating an order.


A collection in Shopify is a group or category of related products that merchants create to organize their inventory. It allows customers to browse and filter products based on specific criteria such as type, brand, or theme, providing a more organized and tailored shopping experience within the online store.

Conversion Rate

Conversion rate in Shopify is a metric that measures the percentage of website visitors who complete a desired action, such as making a purchase or subscribing to a newsletter. It is calculated by dividing the number of conversions by the number of unique visitors and is used to assess the effectiveness of a store’s sales funnel.

CSV File

A CSV (Comma-Separated Values) file in Shopify is a plain text file format used for importing and exporting data. It is commonly used to bulk import or update product information, customer details, inventory data, and other information in a structured manner. The data in a CSV file is organized in rows and columns, with values separated by commas.



The dashboard in Shopify is the main control panel and central hub for store owners and administrators. It provides an overview of essential store metrics, such as sales, orders, traffic, and customer information. The dashboard also offers access to various settings, tools, and reports for managing and monitoring the online store’s performance.


Discounts in Shopify are promotional offers or price reductions that merchants can create and apply to their products or orders. It allows them to offer incentives to customers, such as percentage-based or fixed amount discounts, free shipping, or buy-one-get-one (BOGO) deals, to drive sales and encourage customer loyalty.

Domain Name

A domain name in Shopify is the unique web address that identifies a specific online store. It serves as the store’s online identity and is used by customers to access the store’s website. Merchants can either use an existing domain or purchase a new one through Shopify for their online store.


Dropshipping in Shopify is a business model where merchants sell products without stocking or handling inventory. When a customer places an order, the merchant forwards the order to a supplier who directly ships the products to the customer. This allows entrepreneurs to focus on marketing and customer service without the need for inventory management.



Ecommerce in Shopify refers to the buying and selling of products or services through an online platform. It involves creating and managing an online store where customers can browse, select, and purchase products, while merchants handle aspects such as inventory management, order processing, and payment transactions, facilitated by the Shopify platform.

Email Marketing

Email marketing in Shopify is a marketing strategy that involves sending targeted promotional emails to customers and subscribers. It allows merchants to communicate with their audience, promote products, offer discounts, and provide updates. Email marketing campaigns can be created and managed directly within the Shopify platform or using third-party email marketing apps.


Facebook Pixel

Facebook pixel in Shopify is a piece of code provided by Facebook that merchants can install on their website. It allows tracking and collecting data on user behavior, such as page views and conversions, for targeted advertising and measurement purposes on the Facebook platform, including creating custom audiences and retargeting campaigns.


Fulfillment in Shopify refers to the process of completing and delivering customer orders. It involves tasks such as picking and packing products, generating shipping labels, arranging shipment with a carrier, and updating order status. Merchants can fulfill orders themselves or use third-party fulfillment services integrated with Shopify.

Front End

The front end in Shopify refers to the customer-facing side of an online store. It includes the design, layout, and user interface that visitors interact with when browsing the store. Front-end development involves customizing the appearance, navigation, and functionality of the store to provide an engaging and user-friendly experience.


GDPR compliance

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) compliance in Shopify refers to adhering to the regulations and requirements set forth by the European Union (EU) regarding the protection of personal data. It involves implementing measures to ensure proper data handling, consent management, privacy policies, and user rights, particularly when dealing with EU customers’ data.

Gift Card

A gift card in Shopify is a prepaid voucher or digital card that customers can purchase and use as a form of payment towards products or services in an online store. Gift cards can be issued with a specific value and are a popular option for gifting or promotional purposes within Shopify stores.


Inventory Management

Inventory management in Shopify refers to the process of tracking, organizing, and controlling a store’s inventory of products. It includes tasks such as managing stock levels, tracking product variants, receiving and fulfilling orders, setting up backorders or alerts for low stock, and generating inventory reports to ensure efficient and accurate inventory management.


Key Performance Indicator (KPI)

Key Performance Indicator (KPI) in Shopify refers to a measurable metric that indicates the performance and success of an online store. KPIs can include sales revenue, conversion rate, average order value, customer acquisition cost, or any other specific metrics that help evaluate the effectiveness and profitability of the business.


Landing Page

A landing page in Shopify is a standalone web page designed specifically to receive and convert traffic from marketing campaigns. It is optimized to drive a specific action, such as making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or downloading content. Landing pages are often used to enhance conversion rates and targeted marketing efforts.


Liquid in Shopify is the template language used for creating and customizing the appearance and functionality of Shopify themes. It allows merchants and developers to access and manipulate store data, create dynamic content, and customize the layout and structure of online stores, offering flexibility in design and functionality.



Merchandising in Shopify refers to the strategic process of presenting and promoting products in an online store to drive sales and enhance the shopping experience. It involves tasks such as product categorization, pricing, product placement, visual merchandising, cross-selling, and upselling techniques to optimize product visibility, engagement, and customer satisfaction.


Metafields in Shopify are additional customizable fields that allow merchants to store and manage extra data related to products, customers, orders, and other entities. They provide flexibility to add custom attributes, such as additional product details, variant information, or custom metadata, to enhance the functionality and organization of store data.

Multichannel Selling

Multichannel selling in Shopify refers to the practice of selling products through multiple sales channels beyond the online store. It involves integrating and managing sales on various platforms like marketplaces (e.g., Amazon, eBay), social media platforms (e.g., Facebook, Instagram), and physical retail locations, allowing merchants to reach a wider audience and diversify their sales opportunities.



Navigation in Shopify refers to the menu or navigation bar that helps visitors navigate through the different pages and sections of an online store. It typically includes links to product categories, collections, pages, and other important sections, providing a clear and organized browsing experience for customers.


Order Management

Order management in Shopify involves the process of handling and organizing customer orders placed on an online store. It includes tasks such as order fulfillment, tracking, managing refunds and cancellations, updating order status, generating shipping labels, and ensuring timely and accurate delivery of products to customers.


Page Views

Page views in Shopify refers to the total number of times a specific page on an online store has been visited or loaded by users. It provides insights into the popularity and traffic of individual pages, helping merchants understand user behavior and optimize their website’s performance and user experience.

Payment Gateway

A payment gateway in Shopify is a service that securely handles online payment transactions between customers and merchants. It authorizes credit card or other payment methods, encrypts sensitive information, and transfers funds from the customer’s account to the merchant’s account, facilitating seamless and secure payment processing within the Shopify platform.


In Shopify, plugins (also known as apps) are third-party software extensions that can be installed and integrated into a store to extend its functionality. These plugins provide additional features, tools, and integrations to enhance various aspects of the Shopify store, such as marketing, inventory management, customer support, and more.

Point of Sale (POS)

Point of Sale (POS) in Shopify refers to the system and software used to facilitate in-person sales at physical retail locations. It includes hardware such as cash registers, barcode scanners, and card readers, as well as software that syncs with the Shopify backend to manage inventory, process payments, and track sales.

Print on Demand

Print on demand in Shopify is a business model where merchants offer custom-designed products that are printed and fulfilled as orders are received. Products, such as t-shirts or mugs, are created and shipped by a third-party supplier, allowing merchants to sell unique, personalized items without managing inventory or production.

Product Feed

A product feed in Shopify is a file that contains information about a store’s products in a structured format. It includes details like product titles, descriptions, prices, images, and variants. Product feeds are used for various purposes, such as syncing inventory with other platforms or creating advertisements on external marketing channels.

Product Option

Product options in Shopify refer to customizable attributes or variations of a product that customers can choose from when making a purchase. These options can include size, color, material, or any other specification that allows customers to select their preferred version of the product.

Product Page

A product page in Shopify is a dedicated web page that provides detailed information about a specific product in an online store. It includes product images, descriptions, pricing, variants, and add-to-cart options, allowing customers to view and make purchase decisions for a particular product.


Quick View

Quick view in Shopify is a feature that allows customers to view essential product details and make purchasing decisions without leaving the current page. It provides a pop-up or modal window that displays product information, images, and the add-to-cart option, enabling a streamlined and convenient shopping experience.



A refund in Shopify refers to the process of returning funds to a customer for a returned or canceled order. It involves reimbursing the customer’s payment through the original payment method used. Refunds can be partial or full, depending on the circumstances, and are typically initiated by the store owner or customer support.

Responsive Design

Responsive design in Shopify refers to creating online stores that adapt and display optimally across various devices and screen sizes. It ensures that the store’s layout, content, and functionality automatically adjust to provide an optimal user experience on desktops, tablets, and mobile devices, enhancing accessibility and usability for customers.


Retargeting is a marketing strategy that involves displaying targeted ads to users who have previously interacted with a store but did not make a purchase. It utilizes cookies or pixel tracking to track user behavior and deliver personalized ads across different platforms, encouraging users to return and complete their purchase.

Return on Investment (ROI)

Return on Investment (ROI) refers to the measurement of profitability and financial performance resulting from investments made in the online store. It calculates the ratio of the net profit or revenue generated to the amount invested, providing insights into the effectiveness and profitability of marketing campaigns, initiatives, or overall business operations.

Return Policy

A return policy outlines the guidelines and procedures for customers who wish to return or exchange products purchased from an online store. It typically covers aspects such as timeframes for returns, condition requirements, refund methods, and any associated fees. A clear and customer-friendly return policy helps build trust and manage customer expectations.


Sales Channels

Sales channels in Shopify are platforms or channels where merchants can sell their products, in addition to their online store. This includes marketplaces like Amazon or eBay, social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram, physical retail locations, or wholesale channels. Sales channels allow merchants to reach a wider audience and diversify their sales channels.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in Shopify refers to the practices and techniques used to optimize an online store’s visibility and ranking in search engine results. It involves optimizing website content, structure, keywords, metadata, and other factors to improve organic search visibility, attract more relevant traffic, and increase the chances of conversions.


Shipping in Shopify refers to the process of delivering products to customers after they have been purchased. It involves managing shipping settings, generating shipping labels, choosing shipping carriers, calculating shipping rates, and tracking shipments. Shopify provides tools and integrations to streamline and simplify the shipping process for merchants.

Shipping Zones

Shipping zones in Shopify are geographical regions defined by merchants to set specific shipping rates and methods for different areas. By creating shipping zones, merchants can customize shipping options based on location, such as offering different rates or services for domestic and international customers or specific regions within a country.

Shop Pay

Shop Pay is an accelerated checkout option designed to streamline the purchasing process for customers. It securely saves customer information and payment details for faster checkout on future orders, reducing friction and improving conversion rates. Shop Pay also offers additional features like order tracking and carbon offset contributions.

Shopify Analytics

Shopify Analytics is a built-in feature in Shopify that provides merchants with insights and data about their online store’s performance. It offers metrics and reports on sales, customer behavior, traffic sources, conversion rates, and more. Shopify Analytics helps merchants track and analyze key performance indicators to make data-driven decisions and optimize their business.

Shopify Experts

Shopify Experts are a network of professionals, agencies, and freelancers who are experienced in building, designing, and optimizing Shopify stores. They provide specialized services such as theme customization, app development, marketing, and store setup, helping merchants with various aspects of their Shopify journey to achieve their business goals.

Shopify Flow

Shopify Flow is a visual automation tool that allows merchants to create custom workflows and automate repetitive tasks. It enables the creation of triggers and actions based on specific events, such as order fulfillment, inventory changes, or customer interactions, streamlining operations and improving efficiency within the Shopify platform.

Shopify Payments

Shopify Payments is an integrated payment gateway that enables merchants to accept online payments directly from their stores. It provides a seamless and secure checkout experience for customers, offering features like automatic payment capture, multi-currency support, and simplified transaction management, eliminating the need for third-party payment processors.

Shopify Plus

Shopify Plus is an enterprise-level version of the Shopify platform designed for high-volume and large-scale businesses. It offers additional features and capabilities beyond the standard Shopify plans, including advanced customization options, scalability, dedicated support, and enhanced performance to meet the unique needs of growing and established businesses.

Shopify Starter SKU (Stock Keeping Unit)

Shopify Starter SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) was not a recognized term or feature in Shopify. It is possible that it may have been introduced or changed after that timeframe. I recommend checking the official Shopify documentation or contacting Shopify support for the most up-to-date information.

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) refers to the cryptographic protocol that establishes a secure and encrypted connection between a web server and a user’s browser. It ensures that sensitive data, such as personal and payment information, is transmitted securely, protecting the integrity and privacy of online transactions on Shopify stores.


Storefront in Shopify refers to the customer-facing front-end interface of an online store. It includes the design, layout, and presentation of products, collections, and other store elements visible to visitors. Storefront customization options allow merchants to create a visually appealing and user-friendly shopping experience for their customers.



Tags in Shopify are labels or keywords that merchants can assign to products, orders, customers, or other elements within their store. They are used for organizing and categorizing items, making it easier to search, filter, and group related items together based on specific attributes or characteristics.


Tax in Shopify refers to the calculation and management of taxes on products or services sold through an online store. Shopify provides built-in tax settings that allow merchants to configure tax rates, apply tax exemptions, and automatically calculate and collect taxes based on customer location and applicable tax laws.

Third-party Apps

Third-party apps in Shopify are software applications developed by external developers or companies that can be installed and integrated into a Shopify store. These apps extend the functionality of the platform, offering additional features and tools for various purposes such as marketing, customer support, analytics, inventory management, and more.


A transaction in Shopify refers to a financial activity involving the purchase or sale of products or services within an online store. It represents a completed order where a customer has made a payment, and includes details such as the products purchased, payment method, shipping information, and order status.

Transaction Fee

A transaction fee in Shopify is a fee charged by Shopify for each purchase made through a third-party payment gateway instead of Shopify Payments. The fee is in addition to the payment processing fee and varies based on the Shopify plan, ranging from 0.5% to 2% per transaction.



Upselling in Shopify refers to the strategy of offering customers a higher-priced or upgraded product or service during the purchasing process. It involves suggesting complementary or premium options to increase the order value and provide additional value to the customer, ultimately leading to increased sales and revenue.

User Experience (UX)

User Experience (UX) in Shopify refers to the overall quality of the interaction and satisfaction that users have when navigating and interacting with a Shopify store. It encompasses factors like ease of use, intuitive design, smooth navigation, clear product information, and seamless checkout process, all aimed at enhancing customer satisfaction and driving conversions.



A variant refers to a specific version or option of a product that differs in attributes such as size, color, material, or any other distinguishing feature. Variants allow customers to choose their preferred option when making a purchase and enable merchants to manage and track inventory for different product variations.


VAT (Value Added Tax) in Shopify refers to the consumption tax applied to goods and services sold in certain countries. Shopify allows merchants to configure and collect VAT on eligible products based on customer location. It provides tools to automatically calculate and display VAT during the checkout process to ensure compliance with tax regulations.



Wholesale in Shopify refers to the business model and functionality that enables merchants to sell products in bulk or at discounted prices to other businesses or individuals with the intent of reselling or using them for commercial purposes. Shopify offers features and apps specifically designed to support wholesale operations.


Widgets are small, interactive elements or components that can be added to a website or online store to enhance its functionality and provide additional features. These may include chatbots, product sliders, social media feeds, countdown timers, or other customizable elements that can be integrated into the store’s design.

Wish list

In Shopify, a wishlist is a feature that allows customers to save products they are interested in for future reference. It helps users keep track of items they want to purchase or consider later, making it easier to revisit and make informed buying decisions.


Workflow in Shopify refers to a predefined sequence of steps or actions that automate and streamline business processes within the platform. Workflows can be created using apps or tools like Shopify Flow to automate tasks such as order fulfillment, inventory management, customer notifications, and other repetitive or manual processes.